尊敬的各位来宾;大家好!欢迎参观珍奇报纸陈列馆。我是讲解员***很荣幸为您提供讲解服务。如在此过程中有何不妥之处,敬请谅解并批评指正。本馆位于世界文化遗产名城——平遥古城的中心地段,进入展馆,不但能领略古色古香的三进两院明清风貌的建筑,而且更能欣赏到众多的珍奇异报。在这里收藏着六万种、百万余份报纸,馆藏成果已载入吉尼斯纪录大全。浏览这些展品,会带您走进一个全新的世界,使您赏心悦目,耳目一新,为之震撼。也定然不负此行!Commentary on Jane's Newspaper Gallery Distinguished guests; Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Jane Newspaper Gallery. I'm honored to provide you with explanatory services. If there is anything wrong in the process, please forgive and criticize. Located in the center of Pingyao Ancient City, a world cultural heritage city, the museum can not only appreciate the ancient style and architecture of Sanjin and Liangyuan Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also appreciate many exotic newspapers. There are more than 60,000 kinds of newspapers and more than one million newspapers in the collection. The collection has been included in the Guinness Book of Records. Browsing through these exhibits will bring you into a brand new world, which will make you a pleasant, refreshing and worthwhile journey to the world! uuuuuuuuuuu First Showroom:Commentary on Jane's Newspaper Gallery Distinguished guests; Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Jane Newspaper Gallery. I'm honored to provide you with explanatory services. If there is anything wrong in the process, please forgive and criticize. Located in the center of Pingyao Ancient City, a world cultural heritage city, the museum can not only appreciate the ancient style and architecture of Sanjin and Liangyuan Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also appreciate many exotic newspapers. There are more than 60,000 kinds of newspapers and more than one million newspapers in the collection. The collection has been included in the Guinness Book of Records. Browsing through these exhibits will bring you into a brand new world, which will make you a pleasant, refreshing and worthwhile journey to the world! uuuuuuuuuuu First Showroom:
现在您所在的是综合展室,本展室为您介绍全馆的基本概况,价值与特色,领导留影,并展出部分实物。报纸是知识的载体,历史的记录,获取信息的平台。请看这里是为您概括出全馆最闪光的“馆藏十最”有当今保存最早的报纸,最大的报纸,最小的报纸,珍贵的创刊号等等,都在后边各个展室展出,供各位观赏,尽享这份文化快餐。平遥古城以她深厚的文化底蕴,众多的旅游看点,享誉世界的知名度,吸引了中外大批游客及好多国家领导人和知名人士的到来。江泽民总书记、胡锦涛总书记的先后笠临,为平遥古城增色不少。实物柜中陈列的有——吉尼斯纪录证书,这是对本馆收藏成果的最具权威性认可。还有金报和银报,请看“金报”,这是为庆祝新千年制成的《北京青年报》纯金珍藏版,数量极为稀少,紧接着看到的是“银报”,银报是为纪念《人民日报》创刊50周年特制,收藏版封面由原人民日报社社长邵华泽题字。接下来请欣赏本馆最珍贵的“清代珍品报”。Comprehensive Showroom Now you are in a comprehensive exhibition room. This exhibition room gives you an overview of the whole museum: value and characteristics, leadership photographs, and some of the objects on display. Newspapers are carriers of knowledge, records of history and platforms for obtaining information. Here is a summary of the ten most shining collections in the library. There are the earliest newspapers, the largest newspapers, the smallest newspapers, the precious start-up number and so on. The exhibition rooms in the back are displayed one after another for you to enjoy this spiritual snack. Pingyao Ancient City attracts a large number of tourists from home and abroad with its profound cultural background, numerous tourist attractions and world-renowned reputation. At the same time, many leaders and celebrities from many countries also come to visit and visit the ancient city, especially the successive visits of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. There is a Guinness Record Certificate on display in the physical cabinet, which is the most authoritative recognition of the achievements of our library, as well as the gold and silver newspapers. Look at the "Golden Newspaper", a precious gold collection edition of Beijing Youth Daily, which is made to celebrate the new millennium. It is extremely rare in quantity and has a "gold test report". What follows is the "Silver Newspaper", which is a special edition to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Daily. The cover of the collection edition is made by Shao Hua, the former president of the People's Daily
第二展室 清朝时期
1903年创办于上海的《新闻报》是光绪后期的重要报纸之一,主要内容登载慈禧太后,光绪皇帝懿旨,圣旨以及时局要闻,科举考试和各省时局动态。Ze inscription. Next, please enjoy the most precious "Qing Dynasty Treasure Newspaper". Second Exhibition Room During the Qing Dynasty In ancient China, there were miscellaneous newspapers in Tang Dynasty, residence newspapers in Song Dynasty and Beijing newspapers in Ming Dynasty, but these newspapers hardly survived. In the late Qing Dynasty, official newspapers were printed by the Bureau of general administration, the Bureau of official affairs and Titang officials, but the number was not large. There will be "Shenbao", "Shanghai Bao", "Beijing Bao", "Political Official Newspaper" and "Titang Official Newspaper". Reporting, Newspaper and Jin Bao. Some of these newspapers have become orphans in China. Visiting this exhibition room will be very helpful for us to understand the modern history of China. You can see clearly that in the first year of Xuantong, the "Passenger" newspaper was set up for the rise of tourism at that time. Under the attack of strong gunboats, the Qing government's original policy of "self-confinement" and "arrogance of the night man" was impacted, and went out to see the outside world, that is, tourism can broaden horizons and increase knowledge. For this reason
第三展室 中华民国
本展室的报纸主要有两部分,一部分是中华民国临时政府和国民党中央政府发行的报纸;另一部分是共产党和进步人士创办的报纸。请看第一份是《国民公报》,旧中国四川历史最久的报纸,1910年12月17日创刊于成都。政治态度明显,带有中间路线色彩。 the "Passenger" Newspapers play an important role in propaganda and promotion. Founded in Shanghai on August 17, 1898, Sino-foreign Daily, with the main content of publicizing bourgeois reform ideas, recording the comments on major events at home and abroad, and the gains and losses of current politics, was the beginning of the subsidies received by the political circles in China's newspapers. It was renamed Sino-foreign Daily on February 25, 1911, and was soon suspended due to the decline of sales. Shanghai Newspaper was first published in Shanghai on May 18, 1882. Its predecessor was the English newspaper Zilin Xibao, whose content was mostly translated from Zilin Xibao. It was renamed Zilin Shanghai Newspaper on March 9, 1908. (1) Up to now, two kinds of Beijing Newspaper have been found and recorded. Beijing Newspaper is a special newspaper within the government of Qing Dynasty. It contains much political news and advocates constitutional monarchy. It was founded in Beijing in 1905 and stopped publishing in 1909. The other one was founded in Beijing on October 5, 1918, sponsored by Shao Pianping. The newspaper severely criticized the Beiyang government and propagated the new trend of thought, and stopped publishing in July 1937. Look at Jin Bao, the first newspaper in Shanxi Province, which is scattered among the people. It is extremely rare. There are only two copies left, one in our library and the other in Shanghai Archives Library, the birthplace of newspapers. It is very precious. On October 26, 1907, the Political Official Newspaper, founded in Beijing, was a special newspaper of the central government of the Qing Dynasty. It mainly published political news and advocated constitutional monarchy. It was suspended in August 1909. The most precious newspaper, Shenbao, was published in 1882. It was the longest-running and most influential daily in modern China. Started in Shanghai on April 30, 1872, it was a two-day magazine. It soon changed to a daily newspaper, Sunrise Eighth Edition. In the middle of the magazine, it was suspended for several times due to changes in the current situation. When Shanghai was liberated in May 1949, the newspaper stopped publishing. It is a treasure house of historical materials for the study of modern Chinese history. It not only records the major political events in various historical periods, but also publishes relevant economic and cultural contents. Its business news and special economic journal are valuable materials for the study of China's economic history. Datong Vernacular Newspaper was published in 1909. This "Datong" is not Datong City, Shanxi Province, but a fake word "Datong", which is a landmark newspaper transforming classical Chinese into vernacular, and a full-page advertisement. This shows that the late Qing government paid attention to and improved commercial and literary aspects, not the past. The order of superiority and inferiority of feudal ranks of "scholar, farmer, worker and merchant". Newspaper, founded in Shanghai in 1903, is one of the most important newspapers in the later period of Guangxu. Its main content is to publish Cixi Tai.
《群众日报》前身为《边区群众报》,1940年3月25日创办于陕西延安,1948年1月1日改为本名,为中共西北局机关报。总编胡绩伟,1954年10月16日改名为《陕西日报》继续出版。这是1949年4月2日的《 群众日报》,发行于全国解放前夕,载有全国即将全面解放的消
Exhibition Room 3 Republic of China From 1911 to September 30, 1949, it was called the Republic of China in Chinese history. During this period, Chinese warlords fought in confrontation, foreign invasion, Kuomintang confronted and separated with the Communist Party, hundreds of millions of people struggled for national liberation, the country moved from division to unity, and the nation moved from peril to independence. The ever-changing situation has enhanced the need to transmit information, promoted the publication and distribution of more newspapers, and promoted the development of China's newspapers and journalism. The newspapers in this exhibition room are mainly composed of two parts, one is the newspapers issued by the Provisional Government of the Republic of China and the Central Government of the Kuomintang, the other is the newspapers founded by the Communist Party and progressives. The first is the National Gazette, which was published in Chengdu on December 17, 1910, the oldest newspaper in Sichuan Province, China. The political attitude is obvious, with the color of the middle line. The People's Daily was published on October 12, 1916. Most of the newspapers carried advertisements. The newspapers were directly linked to economic benefits, reflecting the economic situation at that time. Founded in October 1929 in Peiping, the Forbidden City Weekly is an artistic weekly published by the Palace Museum in the early Republic of China. It has good paper quality and rich pictures and texts. Its contents are mostly opera texts, celebrity paintings and calligraphy of emperors'embroidery, and antique appreciation. It was closed in August 1923. It is intuitive and read第四展室 港澳民族
本馆藏有香港、澳门、台湾以及全国16个少数民族发行的报纸万余份。 本室特别选展出港、澳、台和内蒙、新疆等国内少数民族报,以供诸位观赏,同时让人们了解不同地域、不同种族、不同语言的经济文化、民俗、风情等。
第五展室 文化革命
第六展室 世界各地
第七展室 重大时事
2001年9月11日上午9时40分在美国、纽约、华盛顿发生了一连串恐怖袭击事件,110层的世贸大楼起火坍塌,五角大楼引发大火,几万生灵丧生,惨不忍睹。was deeply loved and treasured by people at that time. (2) The Thunderbolt Evening News, published in 1932, fully reflects the documentary reports of the Japanese invaders launching the 9.18 Incident and the Chinese people rising up to save the nation from peril. The next two Shenbao were published in 1946, 64 years later than the first Shenbao just seen. This issue is a special edition of Chiang Kai-shek's 60th birthday. There are photos and couplets of birthday celebrations, from which we can see the personal worship and corruption and luxury of the National Government. The "Morning Bell" in the exhibition cabinet was founded in Peiping on August 15, 1916. Liang Qichao, editor-in-chief, was renamed "Morning Bell" in December 1918. Pioneer is an organ magazine of the Chinese Communist Youth League. It was first published on January 15, 1922. Its editor-in-chief is Deng Zhongxia. It was suspended after 25 issues. There are also Military Official Gazette, Today's Gazette and Diplomatic Gazette in the exhibition cabinet below. These are the rare newspapers in existence during the Republic of China. Then we see the Communist Party, progressive newspapers. First you see two People's Daily, one of the top ten newspapers in the world. People's Daily was founded on June 15, 1948. This is the first issue of People's Daily. The first one is the People's Daily of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan. Next we can see the Mongolian Xinjiang Newspaper, which was very precious in the period of the Republic of China. In 1946, the Newspaper published the news that Chiang Kai-shek, Song Meiling and his wife flew to Lushan and Stuart took over as ambassadors in China. The Child
本厅除重大时事报以外,还有各种异型珍品报,有特大号报,有小的手掌报,烟盒报,还有雨伞报,手帕报,奇形而珍贵,令人一饱眼福。 本展室精选了部分珍品报纸。
第八、九展室 缅怀伟人
他们永远活在中国人民心里。当我们专门设计这两个缅怀伟人的专题展室时,我们的心里是沉重的。当缅怀伟人展室能够给你一些思念、给你一些敬仰、给你一些贡献力量的壮志豪情,那将是我们最大的安慰!Saturdays, was published on December 15, 1928 in the Republic of China. It can be seen that the importance of children's education began 86 years ago. Next, see Democracy Daily, Salvation Daily and Literature and Art News. "Salvation Daily" is the first issue, published in 1937, with Guo Moruo inscribing the headline, and "Democracy Daily" is the first issue, published in 1945, with Tao Xingzhi inscribing the headline, all of which are contributions by patriotic celebrities with great influence. Liberation Daily was founded in Yan'an, Shaanxi Province on May 16, 1941. Yang Song, editor-in-chief of the organ newspaper of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation. Chairman Mao Zedong wrote headlines and speeches. This newspaper was published on August 14, 1944 and was closed on March 27, 1947. The People's Daily, formerly known as the Frontier Area Mass Daily, was founded in Yan'an, Shaanxi Province on March 25, 1940 and renamed as the organ newspaper of the Northwest Bureau of the Communist Party of China on January 1, 1948. Editor-in-chief Hu Jiwei, renamed Shaanxi Daily on October 16, 1954, continued to publish. This is the People's Daily of April 2, 1949, which was published on the eve of the national liberation and co
第十展室 藏报室
讲到这里是该我们说“再见”的时候了,(微鞠躬)如果您对我的服务满意,请您记好古城中的“珍奇报纸陈列馆”告诉你的亲朋好友,如果我的服务还有欠缺和不足,请提出宝贵的建议和意见,我将携同我们所有工作人员努力改进。期盼各位能再次光临本馆。liberated in an all-round way. Shengli Daily was first published in Heshun County, Shanxi Province, on May 1, 1938. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the headline of the Party Committee of Shanxi-Hebei-Henan Region was titled by Zhu De. On July 7, 1941, it was renamed Shanxi-Hebei-Henan Daily. It was discontinued on December 20, 1941. Because its circulation is very small, it is very difficult to collect, so it is very precious. Exhibition Room 4 Hong Kong and Macao Ethnic Groups (3) The library has more than 10,000 newspapers issued by 16 ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and the whole country. This room has selected and displayed the newspapers of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang for your viewing. At the same time, people can understand the economy, culture, folklore and customs of different regions, races and languages. At 10 a.m. on July 1, 1997, the founding ceremony of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was solemnly held. After many years of traveling, they finally returned to their mothers'arms. This exciting news was reported in the Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao. The two editions of this newspaper, with a slit in the middle, were included in the Guinness Book of Records in the form of the largest page in the press.