请大家随我来,首先, 让我们来了解一下同兴公镖局的历史,平遥同兴公镖局创建于清道光二十九年(1849)。当时,平遥的商业活动十分兴盛。各商号有大量贵重货物、钱财银两需远距离运输,必要的安全措施非常重要。这时,号称 “华北三杰”的武术大师王正清从外地还乡,应众商家邀请创建了同兴公镖局,为平遥商家往来护镖。镖局的信用和社会地位,取决于领镖大师在武林界的名望。所以,同兴公镖局从诞生之日起,就被列入全国著名镖局之列。清光绪三年(1877)王正清之子王树茂继父执掌同兴公镖局,镖路东到京都、河南、山东,西去陕西、甘肃、宁夏,南到汉口、长沙、南京,北往归化、包头,同兴公镖局历时六十余年,从无失镖,在商界信誉卓著。同兴公镖局民国二年(1913年)关闭,其整个历史跨越了晚清和民初两个时期。为这一时期中国的商品经济发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。大型室内情景体验剧----“又见平遥”的演艺主题即来源于这家镖局的历史。
现在我们所在的这个房间是同兴公镖局的(1)柜房, ,,,,,,,,,柜房是镖局的营业场所,镖局业务的洽谈、签约、收镖、点验及交镖等商业活动都在这里进行,是镖局面向社会的营业窗口,我们原景陈设了当年镖局柜房的场景。让我们来了解一下镖局的业务,镖局的业务范围有:走镖: 承担客户的押镖事宜;坐店:保护店铺的正常经营;护院:保护私人宅院的安全;守夜:负责为公私院落守夜;保护库丁:负责保护官府银库人员。镖局从业务种类上又分为:信镖: 负责私人信件的传递;票镖: 为票号递解银两及信件汇票;银镖: 为官府及商家押运银两;粮镖: 为官府及商家运送粮食;物镖: 承担货物的长途押运;人身镖: 保护客户的人身安全。镖局的业务流程分为:洽谈:与客户商定保镖业务,并签订镖单;接镖:从客户手中交接镖物,并清点数目;走镖:为客户完成镖物押运,并保证安全;交镖:将客户所保镖物送达,并原物交还;清结:与客户完成镖费结算,并奖惩镖师等五个环节。在走镖方式,镖局采用了三种方式:一是走威武镖即插镖旗, 打威风锣, 喊镖号的走镖方式;二是走仁义镖,下半旗, 打太平锣,不喊镖号的走镖方式;三是偷镖即不惊动江湖朋友, 偷偷的走镖的 方式。看完了
1. Commentary of Tongxing public escort agency
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Tongxing public escort agency Museum. Tongxing public escort agency museum is located at No. 105, South Street, ancient city of Pingyao. This museum uses the exhibition mode to show you the whole historical process of the emergence, development, operation and decline of Tongxing public escort agency, and reveals the contribution of this special industry to the field of commodity circulation in the late feudal society of China.
Please follow me. First of all, let's learn about the history of Tongxing escort agency. Pingyao Tongxing escort agency was founded in the 29th year of Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty (1849). At that time, Pingyao's commercial activities were very prosperous. Each firm has a large number of valuable goods, money and silver, which need to be transported over a long distance. The necessary security measures are very important. At this time, the martial arts master Wang Zhengqing, known as the "three heroes of North China", returned home from abroad and established Tongxing public escort agency at the invitation of merchants to protect the escort for Pingyao merchants. The credit and social status of the escort agency depend on the reputation of the lead escort master in the Wulin. Therefore, Tongxing public escort agency has been listed as one of the famous escort agencies in China since its birth. In the third year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1877), Wang Shumao, the stepfather of Wang Zhengqing's son, took charge of Tongxing public escort agency. The escort route went to Kyoto, Henan and Shandong in the East, Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia in the west, Hankou, Changsha and Nanjing in the south, and Guihua and Baotou in the north. Tongxing public escort agency lasted more than 60 years. It has never lost its escort and has a good reputation in the business world. Tongxing public escort agency was closed in the second year of the Republic of China (1913), and its whole history spanned the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. It has made indelible contributions to the development of China's commodity economy in this period. The performance theme of the large-scale indoor situational experience drama - "see Pingyao again" comes from the history of this escort agency.
Now the room we are in is the (1) cabinet room of Tongxing public escort agency. The cabinet room is the business place of the escort agency. The business negotiation, signing, receiving, inspection and delivery of the escort agency are all carried out here. It is the business window of the escort agency for the society. We originally set up the scene of the cabinet room of the escort agency in that year. Let's learn about the business of the escort agency. The business scope of the escort agency includes: Escort: undertaking the escort of customers; Store sitting: protect the normal operation of the store; Nursing home: protect the safety of private homes; Vigil: responsible for vigil for public and private courtyards; Protect the Treasury: be responsible for protecting the personnel of the government treasury. In terms of business types, escort agencies are divided into: letter Escort: responsible for the delivery of personal letters; Ticket Escort: deliver silver and mail bills for the ticket number; Silver dart: Escort silver for the government and businesses; Grain Escort: transporting grain for the government and businesses; Goods Escort: undertake the long-distance escort of goods; Personal escort: protect the personal safety of customers. The business process of the escort agency is divided into: Negotiation: negotiating the escort business with customers and signing the escort order; Receiving darts: hand over the darts from the customer and count the number; Escort: Escort goods for customers and ensure safety; Delivery of bodyguards: deliver the bodyguards provided by the customer and return them to the original; Settlement: settle the escort fee with the customer, and reward and punish the escort. In the way of escort, the escort agency adopts three ways: one is the way of escort with powerful escort, that is, inserting the escort flag, playing the powerful Gong and shouting the escort number; Second, the way of escorting with benevolence and righteousness, lowering the flag at half mast, playing the peace Gong and not shouting the escort number; The third is to steal darts, that is, to sneak around without alerting Jianghu friends.
(2)柜房,让我们进入柜头房,,,,,,,,,,柜头房是柜房负责人的办公场所,柜头主要负责镖局的业务联系、合约签署、帐目住来等方面的事宜。这里我们用版面的形式展示了当年镖师们走镖中的一些江湖规则,镖师走镖时有“三不住” :即新开之店不住;易主之店不住;娼家之店不住。同时,镖师走镖要三不离,一是武器不离身;二是衣服不离身;三是车马不离院。镖师住店还要知道“三要”:要看有无异相:住店先巡视一遍,看是否与贼人同住。要看有无异风:店外要巡视一遍,看是否被贼人跟踪。要看有无异味:厨房要检查一遍,看是否被贼人投毒。镖师走镖时有一定的原则,为了走镖的顺利,在与人相处时,要带三分笑;要让三分理;只饮三分酒。走镖时,镖师还特别忌讳问客户所保的物品,忌讳与客户内眷来往,忌讳向客户中途讨赏。由于长途走镖,镖师一定还要会搭炉灶;会修鞋;会理发,但是走镖时不能洗脸,只能用毛巾擦脸,洗脸就意味着走镖结束该回家了,这些在镖局叫“三会一不”。 另外走水路镖时,还要作到人不离船,昼寝夜醒,避讳妇人。了解了这些后,我想我们对当年镖师走镖的不易,也就有了一个大致的认知啦!在这里,我们还展示了当年同兴公镖局的一些珍贵史料,并原景陈设了当年同兴公镖局的柜头房场景。
现在我们参观的是同兴公镖局的(3)总镖头房,,,,,,,,,,总镖头房是当年同兴公镖局总镖头王正清及其子王树茂的住房,也是同兴公镖局当年的地下金库所在地。王正清生于1801年,死于1877年,山西省平遥县南良庄人,出身贫寒,少年时便酷爱武术,幼年仅读过二年私塾,清嘉庆二十一年(1816)到北京经营轧面,先后拜刘留、贾殿魁为师,因以面杆为枪苦练武艺,所以人称“面王”。 清道光十一年(1831)起担任江西道台朱文的武术教练,道光十七年(1837)随升迁的朱文至河南。道光二十年(1840)应师兄张正山之邀,往其家教其子侄。道光二十四年(1844)又往河北肃宁县朱家庄执教。清道光二十九年(1849)在平遥创立同兴公镖局,由于王正清在镖行的声誉卓著,其事迹在少林寺曾勒石建碑,并被编入京剧《塔子沟》中广为流传。后人将他与祁县戴龙邦、文水左昌德并誉为“华北三杰”。 其子王树茂生于1852年死于1937年,字松庵,清光绪二年(1876)任同兴公镖师,清光绪三年(1877)后继父执掌同兴公镖局,走遍了中国的大江南北,信誉卓著。清光绪二十六年(1900)八国联军攻入北京,慈禧太后和光绪皇帝逃奔西安,路经平遥时,特聘王树茂护送饷银至西安,因功赏赐其“奉旨议叙” 匾,以表彰其护驾之功。民国元年(1912)王树茂六十大寿时,由于在武术界及镖行的德行与成就,商界及武术界送其“庆衍花龄” 寿匾。同兴公镖局歇业后,他又担任平遥县商会武术教官多年。王树茂先后经营同兴公镖局三十余年,从无失镖,直到今天,他的故事仍被人们广为流传。当年王家的同兴公镖局走镖镖路,北路从平遥起,经祁县、徐沟、太原、原平至杀虎口;西路从平遥起,经汾阳、交口、碛口、黄河至宁夏;东路自平遥起,经子洪、太谷、东赵、旧关、井陉、抱犊寨、保定直至北京;南路由平遥起,经介休、洪洞、临汾、曲沃、茅津渡、信阳、赊店至汉口;此外东南路自平遥起,经邢村、上店、分水岭、沁州、屯留、长子、开封直至河南周口。这里是王正清当年为镖师制定的“四戒”:一戒恃武欺人,无事生非;二戒不敬师道,同辈相谤;三戒学艺不精,人前卖弄;四戒违法违纪,败坏武风。可见当年镖局管理之严格。此外,王树茂还制定了“四个务须”:凡入镖局者,务须以弘扬中华武术增进国民素质为己任;凡入镖局者,务须尊敬师长,铭记教诲,尊重同辈,尊重同仁,维护同门;凡入镖局者,务须武德为先,德艺兼重,练功不辍,切磋共进,志坚业成;凡入镖局者,务须勤慎敬业,忠于职守,值勤勿惰,义字当头,护镖争先。王正清父子门下徒弟甚多,是平遥的一个主要的武术门派,除平遥的弟子外,远及陕西、河北、山东等处,可谓桃李满天下。在这里我们还陈列了王正清纪念碑拓片和王树茂六十大寿时各界赠送的“庆衍花龄” 匾拓片,以及王正清、王树茂旧居照片。另外,在同兴公镖局的总镖头房,还保存有同兴公镖局的金库,金库是镖局临时存放银两的地方,根据合约,镖局如失落银两,须全额赔偿,因此,镖局十分重视金库的管理,为保障金库的安全,镖局还制定有严格的规章制度。
(2) Cabinet room, let's enter the cabinet head room. The cabinet head room is the office of the person in charge of the cabinet room. The cabinet head is mainly responsible for the business contact, contract signing, account residence and other matters of the escort agency. Here we show some Jianghu rules in the form of layout. When escorts are escorting, there are "three no stops": that is, new stores can't live; The shop that changes owner cannot live; A whore's shop can't live. At the same time, an escort should not leave the body without weapons; Second, clothes do not leave the body; Third, cars and horses do not leave the hospital. The escort also needs to know the "three essentials" when staying in the store: check whether there is any difference: check in the store first to see if you live with the thief. It depends on whether there is a strange wind: Patrol outside the store to see if it is followed by thieves. It depends on whether there is peculiar smell: the kitchen should be checked to see if it is poisoned by thieves. An escort has certain principles when escorting. For the sake of the smooth escorting, he should smile when dealing with others; Let the three parts be divided; Drink only a third of the wine. When escorting, the escort is also particularly taboo to ask the customer about the items guaranteed, to communicate with the customer's family members, and to ask for a reward from the customer halfway. Due to long-distance escort, the escort must be able to set up a stove; Can repair shoes; He can have a haircut, but he can't wash his face when escorting. He can only wipe his face with a towel. Washing his face means that the escorting is over and it's time to go home. These are called "three meetings and one no" in the escort agency. In addition, when escorting by water, people should not leave the ship, sleep day and wake up night, and avoid women. After knowing this, I think we have a general understanding of the difficulty of escorts in those days! Here, we also show some precious historical materials of Tongxing public escort agency in those years, and display the scene of the counter head room of Tongxing public escort agency in the original scene.
Now we are visiting the (3) chief escort room of Tongxing public escort agency. The chief escort room is the house of Wang Zhengqing, the chief escort of Tongxing public escort agency, and his son Wang Shumao. It is also the location of the underground vault of Tongxing public escort agency. Wang Zhengqing was born in 1801 and died in 1877 in nanliangzhuang, Pingyao County, Shanxi Province. He was born in poverty and loved martial arts when he was a teenager. He only studied private school for two years when he was young. In the 21st year of Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty (1816), he went to Beijing to run noodle rolling and successively worshiped Liu Liu and Jia Diankui as teachers. He was known as the "noodle king" because he practiced martial arts hard with a noodle stick as a gun. In the 11th year of Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty (1831), he served as the martial arts coach of Zhu Wen in Daotai of Jiangxi Province. In the 17th year of Daoguang (1837), he was promoted with Zhu Wen to Henan. In the 20th year of Daoguang (1840), at the invitation of senior brother Zhang Zhengshan, he went to his family to teach his nephew. In 1844, he taught in ZHUJIAZHUANG, Suning County, Hebei Province. Tongxing escort agency was founded in Pingyao in the 29th year of Daoguang of the Qing Dynasty (1849). Due to Wang Zhengqing's outstanding reputation in the escort agency, his deeds were widely spread in the Beijing Opera tazigou. Later generations praised him, Dai Longbang of Qi county and Zuo Changde of Wenshui as the "three heroes of North China". His son Wang Shumao was born in 1852 and died in 1937. He was named songan. He served as Tongxing public escort in the second year of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1876). After three years of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1877), his stepfather took charge of Tongxing public escort agency and traveled all over China with outstanding reputation. In the 26th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1900), the Allied forces of the eight powers invaded Beijing. Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu fled to Xi'an. When passing through Pingyao, Wang Shumao was specially hired to escort the silver to Xi'an. For his merit, he was rewarded with a plaque of "discussion and narration by decree" in recognition of his escort. During Wang Shumao's 60th birthday in the first year of the Republic of China (1912), due to his virtue and achievements in martial arts and darting, the business and martial arts circles gave him a birthday plaque of "Celebrating the age of flowers". After the closure of Tongxing public escort agency, he served as a martial arts instructor of Pingyao County Chamber of Commerce for many years. Wang Shumao has operated Tongxing public escort agency for more than 30 years, and his story is still widely spread today. In those days, the Tongxing public escort agency of the Wang family took the escort route, starting from Pingyao on the North Road, passing through Qixian County, Xugou, Taiyuan and Yuanping to Shahukou; The west road starts from Pingyao and passes through Fenyang, Jiaokou, Qikou and the Yellow River to Ningxia; East Road starts from Pingyao, jingzihong, Taigu, Dongzhao, Jiuguan, Jingxing, Baodu village and Baoding to Beijing; The South Road starts from Pingyao and passes through Jiexiu, Hongdong, Linfen, Quwo, maojindu, Xinyang and kaidian to Hankou; In addition, Dongnan road starts from Pingyao and passes through Xingcun village, Shangdian, Fenshuiling, Qinzhou, Tunliu, eldest son and Kaifeng to Zhoukou, Henan Province. Here are the "four commandments" formulated by Wang Zhengqing for the escort in those years: one is to bully others by relying on force and make trouble without incident; Second, abstain from disrespect for teachers and the way, and the peers slander each other; Three precepts are not good at learning and showing off in front of others; Four precepts violate the law and discipline, and corrupt the military style. It can be seen that the escort agency was strictly managed in those years. In addition, Wang Shumao also formulated the "Four Musts": Whoever enters the escort agency must take it as his own responsibility to promote Chinese martial arts and improve the quality of the people; Those who join the escort agency must respect their teachers, remember their teachings, respect their peers, respect their colleagues and safeguard their peers; All those who join the escort agency must give priority to martial ethics, pay attention to both morality and skill, practice martial arts continuously, compete with each other and make progress, with strong ambition and success; Those who join the escort agency must be diligent, careful, dedicated, loyal to their duties, do not be lazy on duty, take the lead in righteousness, and guard the escort first. Wang Zhengqing and his son have a large number of disciples. They are a major martial arts sect in Pingyao. In addition to Pingyao's disciples, they are as far away as Shaanxi, Hebei and Shandong. Here, we also displayed rubbings of Wang Zhengqing's monument, rubbings of the plaque "Celebrating the age of flowers" presented by all walks of life at Wang Shumao's 60th birthday, and photos of Wang Zhengqing and Wang Shumao's old houses. In addition, in the general escort room of Tongxing public escort agency, there is also a vault of Tongxing public escort agency. The vault is the place where the escort agency temporarily stores silver. According to the contract, if the escort agency loses silver, it must pay full compensation. Therefore, the escort agency attaches great importance to the management of the vault. In order to ensure the safety of the vault, the escort agency also has strict rules and regulations.
This is the escort agency
西面的(5)正厅是同兴公镖局的议事厅,,,,,,,,,,这里原景陈设了同兴公镖局议事厅的历史场景,议事厅是同兴公镖局集会议事的地方,镖局遇到镖师入行、清理门户、商量重大事务,均会在此开堂议事。明间后墙凹入部分是神龛,供奉着镖局的保护神及祖师神位,两山墙展柜陈设有相关文物。 同兴公镖局经常会在这里举行镖师的拜师仪式,仪式分为九个部分, 1. 提前邀请武林同道参加拜师仪式。 2. 宣布拜师仪式开始。3. 师父给关公(达摩)及历代祖师上香。 4. 徒弟给关公(达摩)及历代祖师上香。5. 请师父、师娘入座,徒弟给师父、师娘叩头,宣读拜师帖,并向师父递帖。 6. 师父接帖。7.宣布同兴公门规戒律。 8.师父向徒弟介绍武林出来之后,。,,,,,,,,,您抬头看一下房檐上挂有(6)两块匾,最上边黄色与蓝色彩绘的“奉旨议叙” 匾是当年慈禧太后因王树茂护驾有功赐给他的一块匾,您可以注意观察一下它的结构,一般此类匾的形制龙是高高在上的,而它是凤在上,龙在下,表明当时是慈禧执政,一手遮天,上面写有四个字,但是她把头一个“奉”字写在了一旁,写得特别小,猛得一看就像三个字。当时候慈禧是满人,满人最忌讳的四个字的竖匾,四的谐音是死字,不吉利,所以把“奉”字写在了一旁。您再看下边还有一块横匾“庆衍花龄”,这块匾是当年护送太后的王树茂镖师在过六十大寿时由各商家票号联合起来所赠送给他的一块寿匾,庆是庆祝的意思,衍是繁衍长寿的意思,花龄是六十花甲,下边这些小字是各商家的字号和商人的名字,共有五十多家。
过来的这个展室, 原来是(7)镖头房,,,,,,,,,镖局的每一趟镖都会安排一位有声望的镖师为镖局负责这一趟镖的具体事务,镖头房便是镖头的住所。现在,我们采用泥塑的手法, 分别展现了“面王”王正清京城习武、王正清河南击毙贼首、王树茂送镖西安、花龄庆寿、王正清与“神拳”李洛能切磋武艺的场景。这边的版面反映了镖局春点的内容,春点,又称春典或唇典,是一种特殊的语言讯号,是江湖中人彼此联系的一种特殊手段。亦称隐语、行话、市语、方语、切口、黑话等,是民间社会各种群体出于各自文化习俗与交际需要,而创制的一些以遁辞隐义、谲譬指事为特征的语言。像这段江湖春点的对话就十分具有代表性。贼人问:好美一池水(院子里有这么多财物),镖师回答:水里没有鱼(院子里没有多余的财物给你),贼人又问:水里鱼不少(院子里财物不少),镖师答:鱼身上有刺(有财物也不是那么好拿的),贼人说:扯活啦(我走啦),短短几句春点,轻松的化解了一场恶斗,是不是十分有趣呢! 南面这里有一个夹道,过去便是镖师们习武的练武场,,,,,,,,,,,镖师们在不走镖的时候,便在这里练习武艺,这里展示的是古传十八般兵器,十八般兵器,泛指多种武艺,其内容在各个时期有所不同。其名称,始见于元曲,明代《五杂俎》中也有十八般武艺之说。显然,十八般兵器一词是后人所造。十八般兵器究竟指的是哪些兵器,,因为年代、地区和流派的不同,对十八般兵器的解说也各异。
(4) The kitchen is the place where Tongxing public escort eats. In those days, some escort agents lived in Tongxing public escort agency except for escorts, so there is a kitchen. Here we can see the food culture of Pingyao escort agency in those years, such as four dishes, ten bowls, four four, eight, nine bowls and nine dishes, twelve chess, eight eight one and two, etc.
(5) the main hall in the west is the meeting hall of Tongxing public escort agency. The original scene here displays the historical scene of the meeting hall of Tongxing public escort agency. The meeting hall is the place where Tongxing public escort agency meets for discussion. The escort agency will hold meetings here when encountering escorts, cleaning up the door and discussing important affairs. The concave part of the back wall of the Ming room is a shrine dedicated to the protective god of the escort agency and the ancestral shrine. The two gable display cabinets are equipped with relevant cultural relics. Tongxing public escort agency often holds an escort worship ceremony here. The ceremony is divided into nine parts. 1 Invite Wulin colleagues to attend the worship ceremony in advance. 2. Announce the beginning of the worship ceremony. 3. Master offered incense to Guan Gong (Dharma) and the ancestors of previous dynasties. 4. The apprentice offered incense to Guan Gong (Dharma) and the ancestors of previous dynasties. 5. Please take your seat. The apprentice kowtows to the master and the mother, reads out the teacher worship note, and hands it to the master. 6. Master received the post. 7. Announce the discipline of Tongxing public. 8. After Shifu introduced the disciples to Wulin,.,,,,,,,,, If you look up, there are (6) two plaques hanging on the eaves. The yellow and blue colored plaques on the top are one of the plaques given by Empress Dowager Cixi to him for his meritorious service under the escort of Wang Shumao. You can pay attention to its structure. Generally, the shape of this kind of plaques is the dragon high above, while it is the Phoenix above and the Dragon below, indicating that Cixi was in power and covered the sky with one hand. There are four words on it, But she wrote the first word "Feng" aside. It was so small that it looked like three words. At that time, Cixi was a Manchu. The vertical plaque of the four characters most taboo by Manchu people. The homonym of the four characters was death, which was unlucky, so the word "Feng" was written aside. Next, there is a horizontal plaque "celebrate the age of flowers". This plaque is a birthday plaque given to the Empress Dowager Wang Shumao escort by the ticket numbers of various merchants when he was 60 years old. Celebration means celebration, reproduction means reproduction and longevity, and the age of flowers is 60 carapace. These small characters below are the name of each merchant and the name of the merchant. There are more than 50.
The exhibition room that came here used to be (7) the escort room. Every escort of the escort agency will arrange a reputable escort to take charge of the specific affairs of the escort agency. The escort room is the residence of the escort. Now, we use clay sculpture to show the scenes of "face king" Wang Zhengqing practising martial arts in the capital, Wang Zhengqing killing the thief's head in Henan, Wang Shumao sending darts to Xi'an, Hua Ling Qingshou, and Wang Zhengqing competing with "divine fist" Li luoneng. The page here reflects the content of spring point of the escort agency. Spring point, also known as spring code or lip code, is a special language signal and a special means for people in the Jianghu to contact each other. Also known as argot, jargon, city language, local language, incisional language, slang, etc., it is a language created by various groups of Civil Society for their own cultural customs and communication needs, which is characterized by evasion, hidden meaning and treacherous metaphor. For example, this spring point dialogue in the Jianghu is very representative. The thief asked: what a beautiful pool of water (there are so many possessions in the yard). The escort replied: there are no fish in the water (there are no extra possessions for you in the yard). The thief asked: there are a lot of fish in the water (there are a lot of possessions in the yard). The escort replied: there are thorns on the fish (it's not so easy to take the possessions). The thief said: pull it alive (I'll go). In a few spring points, it's easy to resolve a vicious fight. Isn't it very interesting! There is a corridor in the south, which used to be the training ground for escorts to practice martial arts. Escorts practice martial arts here when they are not escorting. What is displayed here is the ancient eighteen kinds of weapons, eighteen kinds of weapons, which generally refers to a variety of martial arts. Their contents vary in different periods. Its name was first seen in the Yuan opera. There are also 18 kinds of martial arts in the wuzazu of the Ming Dynasty. Obviously, the word "eighteen kinds of weapons" was coined by later generations. What weapons do the eighteen kinds of weapons refer to? Because of different ages, regions and schools, the explanations of the eighteen kinds of weapons are also different.
这里是(8)镖师房,,,,,,,,,,同兴公镖局的一些镖师平时就住在镖局,不走镖时便习武练拳,镖师房便是他们住宿的地方。同兴公镖局有好多著名的镖师, 这位是梁全林是平遥县人,十五岁拜王正清为师,学习拳法,尽得师傅真传,清同治年间,开始押镖走南闯北,是同兴公的著名镖师,清光绪后期,广收门徒,弘扬王氏拳艺。这位是刘士杰,平遥县人,同兴公镖师,自幼跟随王树茂学艺,胆魄过人,很快成为同兴公镖局镖师,长年负责镖局的北路业务,北路镖路艰险,责任较重,每一次刘士杰都能出色完成押运业务。梁国选师承王正清弟子孙中海,对长拳、八卦掌尤其擅长,身材不高,体型瘦削,在走镖中,以貌取人者,多败在其手下,民间流传着很多他的故事,他的弟子有薛得胜、马全福等。庞永康其师为王正清再传弟子雷生瑞,因雷早逝,后随师爷赵珍学习,精通拳论及点穴法,擅长八趟信拳,虎头钩等,后任县衙武术教习,民国年间曾往外地任教习,庞文雅庄重,倡导武人学文,无门户之见。郭生华少年时拜王树茂为师,为同兴公镖局的重要镖师,出身富有,识文断字,尤爱武术,因其兄郭生荣为清末举人,生华排行第二,故人称“郭二先生”,得伤寒而亡,年仅五十岁。郭崇善少年时爱好拳术,跟随舅父王树茂学艺,博采众家之长,并拜太谷著名形意拳师宋世荣学内家拳,郭精通内外两家拳技,出手凶猛,功力过人。曹体元拜王树茂之子王芸为师,曹精通长拳,六合拳,善使鞭杆,民间称其为“鞭杆大王”,曹还善使暗器弹弓和绳镖,民国27年(1938)后被聘往汾河三坝护堰,有《鞭法谱》一书传世。这些镖师当年活跃在平遥的历史舞台上,直到今天,平遥民间仍流传着王伦、王伟、王太元,郭二先生、梁国选,六趟大枪米其昌,八趟信拳庞永康,罗成架子王兆祥,鞭把大王曹体元”的民间谚语。另外,同兴公镖局的镖师们还有着很严格的镖规,要求辖内要尊师爱徒,埠外要广交友朋,待客要以义取利。同兴公镖局在师徒间、师门内、主客间也有其很高的要求。同时,同兴公镖师在走镖的时候,还要严格尊守三按四保的规定,交手时也要遵守四字经的要求。正是这些规定和要求使同兴公镖局纵横江湖数十年,立于武林不败之地,我国的第一部大型室内情景体验剧《又见平遥》的演出剧情,就是吸收了同兴公镖局当年的一些历史原素创作而成。
This is (8) escort room. Some escorts of Tongxing public escort agency usually live in the escort agency and practice martial arts and boxing when they don't escort. The escort room is where they stay. Tongxinggong escort agency has many famous escorts. This is Liang Quanlin, a native of Pingyao County. At the age of 15, he worshipped Wang Zhengqing as his teacher, studied boxing and got the true knowledge of his master. During the reign of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty, he began to escort people everywhere. He was a famous escort of tongxinggong. In the late Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, he widely accepted disciples and promoted Wang's boxing skills. This is Liu Shijie, from Pingyao County, Tongxing public escort. He studied with Wang Shumao when he was young. He has great courage. He soon became an escort of Tongxing public escort agency. He has been responsible for the North Road business of the escort agency for many years. The north road is difficult and responsible. Liu Shijie can complete the escort business every time. Liang GuoXuan follows Wang Zhengqing's disciple sun Zhonghai and is especially good at long boxing and Bagua palm. He is not tall and thin. In bodyguards, those who judge people by appearance are often defeated by his subordinates. Many of his stories are spread among the people. His disciples include Xue Desheng, Ma Quanfu and so on. Pang Yongkang was taught by Lei Shengrui, a disciple of Wang Zhengqing. After Lei died early, he studied with master Zhao Zhen. He was proficient in boxing and acupoint pointing method. He was good at eight times of letter boxing and tiger head hook. Later, he served as a martial arts teacher in the county government. During the period of the Republic of China, he once taught abroad. Pang was elegant and solemn. He advocated martial arts learning and had no family opinion. When Guo Shenghua was a teenager, he worshipped Wang Shumao as his teacher and was an important escort of Tongxing public escort agency. He was born rich, literate and especially loved martial arts. Because his brother Guo Shengrong was a Juren in the late Qing Dynasty and ranked second in Shenghua, he was called "Mr. Guo Er". He died of typhoid fever at the age of 50. When he was a teenager, Guo Chongshan loved boxing. He studied martial arts with his uncle Wang Shumao and drew on the strengths of many families. He also learned internal boxing from Song Shirong, a famous Xingyi boxing teacher in Taigu. Guo was proficient in both internal and external boxing skills, with fierce hands and excellent skills. Cao tiyuan took Wang Yun, the son of Wang Shumao, as his teacher. Cao was proficient in long boxing, liuhequan and good at using the whip. He was called the "whip king" by the people. Cao was also good at using concealed weapons, slingshots and rope darts. After the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), he was employed to protect the weir of Sanba dam of Fenhe River, and the book "whip manual" was handed down. These escorts were active on the historical stage of Pingyao at that time. Until today, the folk proverbs of "Wang Lun, Wang Wei, Wang Taiyuan, Mr. Guo Er, Liang GuoXuan, six times of big gun Mi Qichang, eight times of letter boxing Pang Yongkang, Luo Cheng, Wang Zhaoxiang, whip King Cao tiyuan" are still circulating in Pingyao. In addition, the escorts of Tongxing public escort agency also have very strict escort rules. They are required to respect their teachers and disciples within their jurisdiction, make friends outside the port, and treat guests with righteousness and profit. Tongxing public escort agency also has high requirements among teachers and apprentices, within the school and between hosts and guests. At the same time, Tongxing public escort must strictly abide by the regulations of "three according to four guarantees" when escorting, and also abide by the requirements of the four character classic when fighting. It is these regulations and requirements that enable Tongxing public escort agency to roam the Jianghu for decades and remain invincible in the Wulin. The performance plot of China's first large-scale indoor situational experience drama "see Pingyao again" is created by absorbing some historical elements of Tongxing public escort agency in that year.
Well, that's the end of my explanation. Thank you for visiting the ancient city of Pingyao, and thank you for coming to Tongxing public escort agency to understand China's escort agency culture. If you have time, I hope you can watch our performance of see Pingyao again. I believe you will have a deeper understanding of Tongxing public escort agency there. Thank you!